How to organize camping trip?

Rokas Mickevicius
4 min readSep 28, 2017


Camping is really fun way of spending your time in the nature with your friends and family. Many people at summer time goes to the lakes and to the campsites to relax, and be in the nature.

Sometimes people don’t know from what to start to put up a campsite, or where to start when you are planning your trip. This article should help you, to be on the right track.

Few years back I went on backpacking trip and we came to the campsite with my friends, and it was already late. We there hungry so we started to prepare the food and just don’t have an attention to other things. Half an hour later rain started to poor and we weren’t ready.

Now I know what to do when you are on camping trip.

Camping gear plan

You already know that you are going camping with your friends. First thing for inexperienced camper is to make a list of things that you are going to need in your trip.

I personally don’t like to plan a lot but the things that I am going to take is the exception.

I almost always looking close what to take with myself to my backpacking, camping or hiking trips. Because the gear that you are going to take with yourself will either make your life easier or will make your life harder.

There is three main categories of gear that you have to look close.

It is your sleeping gear (tent, tarp, sleeping bag and etc.), second your clothes (jackets, sweeter, rain cover, shoes and etc.) and third is the food.

You have to look closely to these main categories. I don’t say that there isn’t other things that you have to think about but these are the main ones and of course you can plan your entertainment and over things, but just look at these three first.


Now when you are already packed up you have to decide what transport to use.

As I prefer backpacking my choice of transport almost always is train.

But if you are planning trip with a lot of friends and you just want to be in the wild you can go with car.

Going with car you have to look to the map in what place you are going to go. Please consider that you could not drive to the destination you want with car and you could have to leave car and go by foot few kilometers.


When you already came to the campsite the first thing that you have to do is open a beer and sit down. 🙂 I’m just kidding.

In my opinion the first thing that you have to do is plan where are you going to stand your tent, were the campfire is going to be and etc. And when put the tent up.

Putting tent up first is important because after that you can organize your campsite better. Also you do not know when rain could start to poor and if you already put the tent up it would be perfect shelter.

After putting your tent up I recommend to collect firewood for your campfire.

If you are going camping with a lot of friends just share all the work. Few people are responsible for tent, other few are responsible for fire, food and etc. That way you will do all important jobs fast and can enjoy the nature around you with your friends.


You have to start organizing what you are going to eat before your trip. Plan what food and what drinks you are going to take with yourself.

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If you are going to your camping trip with car and you are planning to camp for few days I recommend to take a lot of food. When you are in the nature and just chilling you want to eat snacks and etc.

Also I would recommend to take some something that you could prepare on fire. It is not only really delicious but also some fun way of spending your time with friends.


I would not recommend to plan everything, just because it’s not fun. But you have to think a little bit about your time at camping trip. I would recommend to take with yourself tons of things that can help you to push time.

Take the camping gear that you could play with and think about the activities that you could do together at campsite in the nature. It will engage you and your friends to spend some fun time together.


Camping is one of the funniest thing you can do at your spare time with friends. If you have free weekend and don’t know what to do, ofer your friends to go to the camping trip you most definitely are going to have great time.

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Originally published at on September 28, 2017.

